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Grant Funding Received 2017
Name of Project: Wood Farm Dairy Modernisation
In 2017, we invested heavily in our milking parlour and cattle handling facilities. The aim of this was to:
Increase the size of the herd
Improve animal welfare
Improve the efficiency of energy use
This investment was made possible thanks to a significant grant given my the North Wessex Downs LEADER group. This group received the funding through the “European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas”.
The grant funding covered the following projects:
A cluster flush system designed to sterilise the milking clusters between cows thus reducing the risk of mastitis.
An auto shedding gate which enables selected cattle to be automatically segregated which reduces stress for both the animal and the human operator.
Variable speed drives on the milking vacuum pumps which have reduced the energy use of the vacuum pumps by 40%.

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